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Major Problems in New York City & California right now! Let me show you

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Big problem in California and New York! Problems have people moving away from New York and California! Why is everyone moving from these places? Is it the tip of an iceberg? I will discuss with you what is going on in California and New York.

Let me know what your opinion is in the comment section. Do you think this is a big problem or is this a small issue? I really want to know what you think about this issue. Drop a comment and let me know! I will be reading all of your comments!! Hope you enjoy!

How we grew from $0-$800,000+ in 3 years in a brand new stock account

*My Instagram is : FinancialEducationJeremy

Financial Education

This is a Jeremy Lefebvre Production

Created by Jeremy Lefebvre
Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York
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