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Nature-Postive Race to Zero | Climate Dialogues 2021

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Nature underpins the global economy, accounting for $44 trillion in global economic value. It could deliver more than a third of the solution to climate challenges. Yet, agriculture and other land-use practices account for 24% of global emissions. There is an urgent need to ramp up financing to redirect the land-use sectors to a net-zero pathway.

This session will bring key voices from the public and private sectors together to take stock of land-use practices and the needed financial incentives to enable global systems transformation to secure a net-zero, nature-positive future.

Speakers: Inger Andersen, Dominic Kailash Nath Waughray, Wiebe Draijer, Rhian-Mari Thomas, Walter Schalka, Gonzalo Muñoz

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#WorldEconomicForum #ClimateBreakthroughs #RaceToZero
climate breakthroughs, race to zero, carbon emissions
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