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Pregnant Again: How it is Different from First one!

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Is second pregnancy stubbornly elusive? Watch out the hilarious differences between your first and second pregnancies from mom illustrated!
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Vicki Tawse loves to share her knowledge about how to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy. According to Vicki, having a second pregnancy can be a totally different experience than having your first child.
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Note: This video is a part of joint collaboration between Vicki Tawse and Consumer Health Digest.
Video Transcript:-
Is different to your first. I am doing this video in association with the Consumer Health Digest Website but there's more information in an article that I have linked in the dropdown box below and also a link to the Consumer Health Digest website, which you will find more information on all things pregnancy related.
I'm Vicki and I am mom to three children. I have an eight year old boy, I have a six year old boy, and I have a one year old daughter. There's always pros and cons with your second pregnancy.
You tend to be more tired. You don't have the same time to relax as you would have had with your first pregnancy. There's 21 months difference between my two and, yeah, I find that quite hard to find the time to rest, not necessarily having a nap but just time to put your feet up, enjoy a hot cup of tea. It's not the same the second time around. My other issue I had was with the morning sickness and the heartburn. It was harder to deal with the second time around.
My first child was 10 pounds two ounces and my second was nine pounds 14 ounces so the second was a smaller baby but my bump was, if not the same size then I would say, slightly bigger. When I was pregnant with my second child I found out I have an underactive thyroid, which they told me was related to the first pregnancy. Now, because I didn't realize I had it the first time they couldn't help with medication but because I knew about it the second time around I had that under control, I had the medication under control, and the medical team were aware of it when I went to have the second child delivered so the second time around you are medically more prepared.
For the pros, the good thing is that you've done this before, you have the experience, you are a mother already and you know what is going to happen to your body, you know what's going to be coming at the end so there's no, or there tends to be, no more surprises for you. With your second pregnancy you tend to be a bit more relaxed. You don't have the same worries that you did the first time around or, if you do, they're not as bad as they were the first time around. You have more time to try and prepare your body.
I had an emergency c-section with my first pregnancy so I had a planned c-section for the second one. I would of not wanted to choose a c-section but because I had been through it before I knew with the second pregnancy that I was going to have a planned c-section and I mentally prepared for it. I had a full nine months to mentally prepare for a planned c-section.
That is how my second pregnancy is different to my first. Thank you for watching this video and if you would like more information please click the link below, which is the consumerhealthdigest.com. Thank you for watching.
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