In this #b_inspired self-worth series, we'll investigate how do you value yourself, your time and your worth? As we open up the second and fourth chakras today a little bit deeper, the hope is that you're finding the places where maybe you're being a little bit too judgmental, and maybe you can give yourself permission to value this class for what it is for you today. #selfworth #secondchakra #fourthchakra #chakrabalancing
Thank you for your time doing this video, that means so much to me. PLEASE LIKE THE VIDEO and share it! If you can give through donations, this is how I am currently operating! Please Venmo me @KatieBHappyy or PayPal with anything you can give. If you can't give through financial means, please share and give the message back to others. The world needs a little healing right now!
Different BootCamps - Which One is For You?
Live BootCamp 16
April 28 - May 11
- Live Zoom Sessions and Mentorship with Katie B
- New Workouts from Previous Sessions
- Live @12pm PST but recordings available later
- Live coaching, whats app chat and personal coaching available
- Small team accountability in private what’s app chat and 1-1 with Katie B
Jump Start BootCamp
Do Anytime
- Online pre-recorded BootCamp with all my favorite soulmates throughout Quarantine
- BootCamp #1 Workouts, Routines, Daily Journal Entries, and more
- Just $29 for all 14 Workouts
•sign up here :
Both Bootcamps Have:
-Daily email with nutrition guidance and fitness tips for quarantine
-Daily cardio and workout videos to compliment lift session
-Move 3x a day at your own designated times
-Personal nutrition coaching and food journaling in a new normal
-Sanity coaching in a crazy time with daily affirmations, themes, optional journaling
-New innovative ideas for at home workouts
-Your entire household can do it
-14-Day Reset you can repeat whenever - you have the workouts for life!
-Real strength gains that burn fat while you’re at rest
You build an athletic application with body control
Incredible balance and core awareness
Nero-muscle connection where all your muscles work better together
You build endurance and overall Nero muscle control
Brain to muscle connection
Build bone density for long term stability
Increase your metabolism
Builds your autoimmunity
Increase focus and mental clarity
Build self-confidence
Enhance Cardio in distance
Builds self-trust
Creates resilience
Build set pride
Mind-body and soul experience and connection
Reduces body fat and builds muscle
Thank you for your time doing this video, that means so much to me. PLEASE LIKE THE VIDEO and share it! If you can give through donations, this is how I am currently operating! Please Venmo me @KatieBHappyy or PayPal with anything you can give. If you can't give through financial means, please share and give the message back to others. The world needs a little healing right now!
Different BootCamps - Which One is For You?
Live BootCamp 16
April 28 - May 11
- Live Zoom Sessions and Mentorship with Katie B
- New Workouts from Previous Sessions
- Live @12pm PST but recordings available later
- Live coaching, whats app chat and personal coaching available
- Small team accountability in private what’s app chat and 1-1 with Katie B
Jump Start BootCamp
Do Anytime
- Online pre-recorded BootCamp with all my favorite soulmates throughout Quarantine
- BootCamp #1 Workouts, Routines, Daily Journal Entries, and more
- Just $29 for all 14 Workouts
•sign up here :
Both Bootcamps Have:
-Daily email with nutrition guidance and fitness tips for quarantine
-Daily cardio and workout videos to compliment lift session
-Move 3x a day at your own designated times
-Personal nutrition coaching and food journaling in a new normal
-Sanity coaching in a crazy time with daily affirmations, themes, optional journaling
-New innovative ideas for at home workouts
-Your entire household can do it
-14-Day Reset you can repeat whenever - you have the workouts for life!
-Real strength gains that burn fat while you’re at rest
You build an athletic application with body control
Incredible balance and core awareness
Nero-muscle connection where all your muscles work better together
You build endurance and overall Nero muscle control
Brain to muscle connection
Build bone density for long term stability
Increase your metabolism
Builds your autoimmunity
Increase focus and mental clarity
Build self-confidence
Enhance Cardio in distance
Builds self-trust
Creates resilience
Build set pride
Mind-body and soul experience and connection
Reduces body fat and builds muscle
- Category
- Medical
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