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Talking about Email - New series: Writing Email in English with Jennifer

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The first video in a new playlist: Writing Email in English with Jennifer

0:01 Model email (message to subscribers)
1:03 Lesson title
1:10 Introduction
1:35 Talking about email (grammar, parts of speech)
2:31 Useful phrases when talking about email
2:38 How would you ask for someone's email address?
3:00 What can you say when you give someone your address?
3:31 What does "shoot someone an email" mean?
4:05 What do you say when you promise to send an email?
4:39 Lesson ending

TEACHERS: Visit my ELT blog and read a related post with PDF activity handouts. https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress.com/2016/05/06/how-to-master-email/

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Teachers: Visit my ELT blog.

Former classroom teacher. Published author. Online instructor. I've been online since 2007, posting videos for students, blogging for teachers, and providing different forms of language support. My goal is to make language studies enjoyable and productive. For more info and resources, visit www.englishwithjennifer.com.
English Languages
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