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Business English Lesson - Best Ways To Sign Off An Email. ( Email Writing Tips)

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Business English Lesson - Best ways to sign off an Email. ( Email writing tips)

Blog : http://www.learnex.in/best-ways-to-sign-off-an-email

In this English Lesson you will learn the different sign offs that you can use to conclude your email, message or a letter. Another English term for sign- off is valediction. Since most of us are into emailing more than ever It is good to learn different sign-offs as it reflects your relationship with the recipient. Below are some tips that you need to follow while signing off and different phrases that can be used as sign-offs :-

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Tips -
Don't Conclude with quotes
Avoid adding too many details
Don't include sign offs once you have started a thread.

Ways to Sign - Off

1) Regards - When we use Regards as valediction or even Kind Regards , Best Regards or Warm Regards it indicates the sentiments of esteem and affection. These sign - offs can be used in Business emails and informal emails as well depending on the relationship you share with the recipient.

2) Thank you So much - Use this sign off when you are appreciating someone's efforts. It is a genuine expression of gratitude.

3) Looking forward - This sign-off shows you are eager to meet the recipient. You can use this sign-off when seeking for employment or fixing an appointment.

4) Sincerely Yours - This sign-off is considered to be old fashioned but is great for business correspondence.

5) Cheers - This is an informal sign-off. It is a salutation before drinking however can be used as a sign-off if the subject matter of your correspondence is celebratory.

6) Ciao - This sign-off can be used for a personal or a playful email.

7) XOXO- This sign-off stands for HUGS and Kisses and can be used for informal emails.

Hope you enjoy these and also some funny sign offs that you will see at the end of this lesson.
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