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Talking about phobias in English - Advance English speaking lesson

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Talking about phobias in English - Advance English speaking lesson
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Phobias are irrational fear of things and situations which can be a danger but not really harmful. We will learn the most common phobias that people have.

Nyctophobia : Fear of night or darkness. It's more imaginary danger concealed by darkness.

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights, Its different from vertigo

Agoraphobia: Fear of being in crowded places like the markets, malls, airports or even vast open spaces. People with this kind of phobia feel suffocated in such crowded places.

Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders

Claustrophobia : Fear of being in closed, small spaces

Bathophobia : Fear of depth such as stairways , caves etc

Iatrophobia : Fear of doctors

Gamophobia : Fear of marriage or commitment to a relationship.

Phasmophobia: Fear of ghosts and evil spirits.

Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners.
English Languages
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