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How To Start A Business In 2015 With No Money -HUSTLERSMINDSET

E-Commerce Solutions SEO Solutions Marketing Solutions
►►19 FREE BUSINESS COURSES http://www.hustlerskungfu.com/bundles/youtube Yes it is all free, you do the work you will make money.

► Get the other training not in HKF for $19.99 Gumroad Catalog -100 Hours of Training - https://gumroad.com/l/rbxaw Yes jammed packed with value as well.

►► Hey , if you find value with the channel/course/whatever - I ask you to do this - http://kungfumoney.com/pay-what-you-want/ Some people love the channel so much they make those - love offerings, so here you go.

► BTW be sure to tell some friends about the channel. Spread the word man. The more we do the more we can do!

►Join the HKF Community For special content available no where else - https://www.facebook.com/groups/hustlerskungfucommunity/

★★★★★ - Okay, maybe you need or want more help.

One on one training. Say you are a business person who is stuck. You want to move past the pain ( marketing, sales, business development) you need the help of a seasoned business person ( yeah that is me)

I do this:

★Business Development ( start up , to new channel development)
★Video Marketing ( hey that is how you got here!)
★Sales and sales program development. Includes CRM

Current Pricing- can change anytime

3 month consulting - 4 - calls a month. 60/60/30/30 - $3000 a month or $7500 paid in Full- business plan development and research.

6 month consulting - 4 calls a month 60/60/30/30 - $4500 a month
or $19000 paid in Full business plan development /research/sales program development.

9 Month consulting - on site training early stages, business development planning CRM development. - $6000 a month $50,000 paid in full. business plan development /research/sales program development. Sales team training.

Call this number 404 -558 -8111 to get your free first call. This is for qualified clients ( I feel you are family already) only, you know who you are.

★★★★★ Group Setting Training

Premium Seller Facebook Group
Weekly Sales Training
How To Make A Million Dollars in 24 Months Course

This is for the budding business owner, who wants to learn more about business development ( sales, marketing, processes, etc)
$250 a month cancel at anytime.

Sign up here
Credit Card - https://gumroad.com/l/TUvPT
Paypal - http://kungfumoney.com/how55kturnedinto5million/

Glendon Cameron

Founder and Chief Kung Fu Developer

Website- http://hustlerskungfu.com
FaceBook -https://www.facebook.com/glendon.came...
Instagram -@hustlerskungfu
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