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Neck Pain Relief Stretches - 5 Minute Real Time Routine

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These neck pain relief stretches are great for helping to relieve general neck pain and neck stiffness. The neck stretches are done in real time, so they are easy to follow. Buy a worksheet with these neck stretches: https://www.askdoctorjo.com/8-neck-stretches-worksheet

In general when stretching the neck, you should hold most stretches for 30 seconds, and do them 3 times. Sometimes you might not have enough time to go through your whole routine, which can be time consuming. If you are in a hurry, still hold the neck stretches for 30 seconds, but do less reps.

A quick warm up will help warm up and loosen the neck muscles to help get them going.

For the neck stretches, starting off with an upper trap stretch, a levator scapulae stretch, and an anterior scalene stretch will help relieve a lot of neck pain.

Next up is chin tucks. You don’t need to hold these for the full 30 seconds, but you can do several 5 second holds throughout the time.

Finally, to help stretch at specific segments of the neck, you can do SNAGS (sustained natural apophyseal glides) with a towel for cervical rotation. It’s also a great way to help mobilize the neck as well.

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neck pain, stiff neck, neck flexion
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