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All Beer Is Ale or Lager - CHOW Tip

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Civilization of Beer's Samuel Merritt discusses the two styles of beer, ale and lager. The upshot is that it's all in the yeast.

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There are thirteen thousand beers available in the U.S. and it can be quite confusing and daunting at first. But the one thing to remember is that there are only two broad styles of beer, Ale and Lager. And the difference is in the lifestyle preferences of the yeast. Lager yeast ferments slowly, in cold temperatures, at the bottom of the fermentation vessel. Ale yeast ferments quickly, at warm temperatures, at the top of the fermentation vessel. In general, Lager's are going to be cleaner tasting, more simple, more delicate beers. Ale's will be more spicy, complex, diverse, and fruity.
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