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Learn Windows 7 - Create Zip Files

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Mahalo Windows expert Sean Hewitt gives a tutorial on how to create zip files in Windows 7.

Creating Zip Files

Creating Zip Files is a way of compressing multiple files into a single file so they are a smaller size and all in one location. To create a zip file: 

1. Click the File icon at the bottom left corner of the screen and highlight whichever files you would like to compress by clicking and dragging your cursor over them. 
2. Once the files are highlighted, right-click with your mouse, which will prompt a menu. Click on Send to, which will prompt another sub-menu. Click on Compressed (zipped) folder (top of list) and a Compressing window will pop up showing a green progress bar. 
3. You will see a folder icon with a zipper on it. This is your zip file. Click on this file and see a list of your specified files. This function is particularly useful when having to e-mail a large number of files to someone. For example, if you wanted to send 200 photos to a friend, you can compress all 200 jpegs into a single zip file and send them that way. 

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