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3 Best Core Exercises During Pregnancy You Must Try!

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Want to stay in shape while you're expecting? Then watch out how Lorraine Scapens demonstrates 3 best core exercises for pregnant women. See Also -
Lorraine Scapens is a Pre & Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist with more than 15 years experience. Lorraine has trained safely through 3 pregnancies. She is dedicated to provide expert advice in pre and post natal exercise and well being. According to her exercise during pregnancy is important and healthy for women.
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Note: This video is a part of joint collaboration between Lorraine Scapens and Consumer Health Digest.
Video Transcript:
Hi. It's Lorraine from PregnancyExercise.co.nz. In this video for ConsumerHealthDigest.com we're going to go through three great core exercises that you can do during your entire pregnancy.
The first one we're going to start off with does require a lot of balance. Which will then force you to recruit your core muscles to stabilize. Again, you can do this exercise during your entire pregnancy. Standing on one leg make sure you contract the right glut. What we're going to do is bend forward. This is my ballerina exercise. Again this is a great exercise that women can do during their entire pregnancy. What you want to do during your pregnancy is exhale throughout the move okay? You breathe in here. Relax your core muscles as you exhale. You're thinking about contracting up your pelvic floor muscles and your transverse abdominal muscles. You're supporting your baby as you go down. Now the further along you are in your pregnancy you don't have to go as far down. Through those first trimester and up to around about twenty five to twenty eight weeks you may find, as your balance improves, you can go down quite low. You want to perform around about three sets of ten reps on each leg. If you're struggling with your balance use a wall for support or even a broomstick. That's great.
Okay, let's move on to the second exercise. The second exercise is a squat. Now you may be thinking, "A squat? That's not a core exercise." We activate and engage our core muscles all the time. We need them to support our torso. Okay? The stronger our core system is then the stronger and more functional we're going to be and we're going to prevent pain during our pregnancy. Okay. Let's have a look at a squat. Okay. Feet wide, hip width apart. Weight into your heels. Chest up. Again, you're going to contract your core muscles as you move down through the squat. We're also thinking about recruiting the glut muscles as we drop down.
Now again, during the first trimester if you've got weights you can use weights up to the last trimester. You can go on and do support squats by tying a towel around a pole if you feel you need that extra support. Squats are really good for your core strength because you've got to maintain this perfect position. We don't want you dropping forward. We don't want you bending through your legs too much. A nice deep squat. Supporting yourself, using your core muscles, exhaling throughout the squat during your pregnancy.
Now the last exercise. We're going to go onto our mats. Is we're in a side plank okay? That's great for recruiting the transverse muscles, abdominal muscles, and your deep abdominal core muscles.
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