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Full-Body Intermediate Workout | Perfect Form With Ashley Borden

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Ready to burn tons of calories and tone your entire body? Ashley Borden's Full-Body Intermediate Workout targets and strengthens your core, arms, thighs, shoulders and back. Grab a pair of dumbbells and get ready to follow along to this awesome exercise routine!

Workout Moves:

1. Side Lunge w/Overhead Press
2. Snow Angel
3. Skull Crushers
4. Butterfly Sit Ups
5. Standing Single Leg Bicep Curl

There's more Perfect Form where this came from: http://bit.ly/WdNGse

Want more full-body workouts? http://bit.ly/XDSubB

Talk to Ashley and get her free guide to Rolling Out! http://www.facebook.com/ashleybordenfitness

Check out Ashley's equipment recommendations from each episode: http://www.ashleyborden.com/my-faves.html

Whether you want take your fitness routine to the next level, target a specific trouble zone or offset the effects of sitting all day at a computer, celebrity fitness and pro-athlete trainer Ashley Borden's specialty is helping you unlock the potential in your body. She will help you identify how your body moves, offering routines to help you build your best body.

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Title photography by Dorit Thies (http://www.doritthies.com)

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