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GO DEEP! Glutes & Quads! Build Muscle & Strength!

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You can’t expect to make true gains on your legs if you’re always stopping halfway! Each of these exercises will require you to dig deep to GO DEEP! Full range of motion will be your best friend when it comes to building bigger quads and glutes! Push yourself to the max and try to add weight each set. Fight through the pain Nation! Remember, Hermanites Train Harder! #HTH #SHFAthlete
• 5 exercises
• Reps and sets will vary per exercise
• Rest 60 – 120 seconds between sets!
(0:59)- Routine Sets & Reps!
HEAVY 5x5- (Rest 2 minutes minimum between sets)
(1:08)-Barbell Squat (5 sets: 5 reps)
(1:09)- Set 1: 275lbs
(1:20)- How To: Shoulder Warm-Up: Increase Mobility & Injury Prevention!

(1:41)- Set 2: 285lbs
(2:14)- Set 3: 295lbs
(2:48)- Set 4: 300lbs
(3:33)- Set 5: 305lbs
(4:34)- Barbell Glute Bridge (3 sets: 8 reps)
(4:38)- Set 1: 275lbs
(5:17)- Set 2: 305lbs
(5:47)- Set 3: 365lbs
(6:25)- Leg Press (3 sets: 8 reps)
(6:26)- Set 1: 450lbs
(7:01)- Set 2: 540lbs
(7:36)- Set 3: 630lbs
(8:24)- Seated Leg Extension (3 sets: 8 reps)
(8:26)- Set 1: 230lbs
(8:57)- Set 2: 270lbs
(9:23)- Set 3 (Dropset): 310lbs / 110lbs
(10:24)- Alternating Single-Leg Reverse Lung To Step-Up (1 – 1 Count) (3 sets: 8 reps)
(10:25)- Set 1: 70lbs
(11:55)- Set 2: 70lbs
(13:21)- Set 3: 70lbs
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