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Vertigo Balance Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

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Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness/spinning that often comes on suddenly. These balance exercises may help with the balance issues vertigo can cause. These should be done in a safe area with a person or stable object next to you for support. More Dr. Jo vertigo videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkfq3EvhbbM&list=PLPS8D21t0eO_aKBiXrRDEvPM3hRzXUJQd&index=13&t=0s

Vertigo is the symptom of many different things, and is caused by something else going on. BPPV, which is a positional vertigo, is the most common one you might have.

The first exercise is putting your feet as close together as you can. This is called the Romberg stance. If that is easy, try closing your eyes. If that is easy, move your head from side to side, and then up and down. Then combine them together with head movements and eyes closed. If all those become easy, try standing on an uneven surface like a pillow or a folded up yoga mat.

The next balance exercise is called tandem stance. This is with one foot directly in front of the other like you are standing on a tight rope. You can modify it if that is too hard to start with by putting your back heel and your toes on each foot next to each other. Follow the same progression as above. Make sure to switch your feet.

If all of these become easy, you can try standing on one foot and doing the same progression.

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Related Videos:

Vertigo Treatment with Simple Exercises (BPPV):

Epley Maneuver for Vertigo:


Doctor Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.

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Vertigo Balance Exercises:

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vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, balance issues
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