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Yes, You Can Benefit From Yoga : Wai Lana Yoga

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Welcoming Yoga Day, Wai Lana invites you to take one of her 5 yoga challenges at http://www.wailana.com/yogaday

I’m Wai Lana, host of the PBS series, Wai Lana Yoga. The United Nations has declared June 21st as the first ever International Yoga Day. So if you have been thinking about practicing yoga, what better time to start. With yoga, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Don’t think that you’re too stiff or too weak, too fat or too old, or too sick to practice yoga. Yoga has something for everyone and anyone can begin to reap the benefits of this wonderful time-tested practice. Practicing yoga postures regularly strengthens our muscles and bones and increases our flexibility. It benefits all the systems of the body. It’s good for the heart and lungs. The poses help improve digestion and elimination, leading to better health overall. Within a very short time, you’ll notice that you just feel better. You may also notice that you sleep more soundly, have greater stamina and more energy.

In addition to the many postures that tone your body, yoga also includes relaxation, breathing, and meditation techniques. The benefits of these practices go beyond the physical. For example, learning to slow down and deepen our breath improves our ability to relax and concentrate. Yoga awareness techniques help calm our emotions and our mind by letting us stand apart from them. We learn how to relax. Beyond this, yoga meditation has the ability to bring about changes on a deeper level—allowing us to experience inner peace. Yoga Sound Meditation is so easy that anyone can do it, and I highly recommend it.

These changes that yoga brings are not small changes—they can profoundly improve the quality of your life.

When we feel calmer and happier inside, our relationships are more harmonious because we’re not looking to others to satisfy something we’re lacking. So you know how they say that happiness is contagious? Well, it’s true. If you’re happy, the chances are your family will feel happier—especially if they practice yoga as well. Our yoga practice can help us face difficult situations and to help others work through them as well.

Teenagers will find it easier to get through the difficult years of puberty and adolescence; so teen suicides will decrease. Having a happy and stable home, everyone in the family can go out into the world with a positive, compassionate, and humble outlook. If more and more people practice yoga, and develop awareness, humility and compassion, we can live together more peacefully in our communities, in our states, in our nations, and on our planet.
So on this very first International Yoga Day, it is my hope that all of us around the world will be inspired to live with a higher purpose, caring not only about ourselves but also others and our planet. Thank you.

#yogaday #wailana
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